HVAC Workers & Asbestos
Asbestos Exposure from Furnaces and to HVAC Workers and Mesothelioma
Furnaces often contained and HVAC workers often used gunning mixtures that contained asbestos. These gunning mixtures containing asbestos were naturally resistant to heat and corrosion. Both characteristics were ideal for furnaces and the HVAC industry. The gunning mixtures were used to line furnaces and repair holes in furnaces by HVAC technicians. Surprisingly, gunning mixtures manufactured and used in other countries contain asbestos. The asbestos exposure as a result of HVAC technicians working with and furnaces containing these gunning mixture may lead to mesothelioma.
There, of course, is no manufacturing of asbestos containing gunning mixtures in the United States. The damage, however, has been done. Countless unsuspecting HVAC workers and technicians, furnace workers, homeowners, and construction contractors have been exposed to asbestos in the form of the gunning mixtures that contained asbestos. The exposure happened when the asbestos containing gunning mixture was disturbed, deteriorated with age, or was improperly removed or replaced.
Many of the HVAC workers and technicians, furnace workers, homeowners, and construction contractors who were exposed to the gunning mixtures and diagnosed with mesothelioma have filed suit against the manufacturers of gunning mixes. The manufactures of the asbestos containing gunning mixes failed to inform HVAC workers and technicians, furnace workers, homeowners, and construction contractors and its own employees that the gunning mixes contained asbestos and the exposure of this toxic substance can lead to mesothelioma.
We Understand How Hard This Is
Attorney Michael Throneberry has personal experience with mesothelioma from his father’s death. In fact, that’s what led him to devote his law practice to asbestos litigation. We understand the physical, financial and emotional impact of asbestos disease on the victim and the family. We are with you every step of the way through your medical treatment and pursuit of justice for mesothelioma, asbestosis or occupational lung cancer.
Call the Throneberry Law Group at 888-506-1131 for a no-obligation consultation and compassionate, proven representation.